Doxtero Websheet

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─────── 𖥸 ───────

Important note: You should only copy one [Column] at a time

Quick Reference

Variable Type Variable Methods Example Value Remarks [Format]
General Variable {{variable}}
{{variable | method}}
Text case methods:
  • upper / lower
  • swap
  • title / capwords / caps
  • capitalize
  • sentence case / sentence

  • name and ic
  • name
  • name [text case, eg. upper]
  • ic
  • ic number
  • land case

Text masking methods:
  • initials
  • initials dot
  • initials lower
  • initials dot lower

  • mask
  • mask number

  • tag
  • tag [text case, eg. upper]
  • line
  • line [text case, eg. upper]
This is an example -
Numbers / Ringgit Template
{{variable | ringgit describe}}

  • ringgit
  • ringgit words
  • ringgit describe

Ringgit Percent:
  • ringgit:percent(10)
  • ringgit_words:percent(10)
  • ringgit_describe:percent(10)

  • num
  • num words
  • num describe

Numbers Percent:
  • num:percent(10)
  • num_words:percent(10)
  • num_describe:percent(10)


150000 >> Ringgit Malaysia One Hundred Fifty Thousand (RM150,000.00)

Dates Template
{{variable | date}}

  • date
  • date time
  • date day
  • date number
  • date iso
  • date ordinal longform
  • date ordinal shortform

  • dob
  • dob years
  • dob years months
  • dob years months days
  • dob full
  • dob num
19980514 YYYYMMDD
Lists Template
{{variable | lv}}

{{list variable}} - [list]
  • ol / ola / oli
  • ul / dl / sl

  • li
  • ml
  • ls
  • ln

  • lv / lh / l&

  • lsign
  • lseal
  • lsig
  • [list method] [text case]
Adam Smith // (NRIC No. 12345) | Ben Smith // (NRIC No. 54321) | = Item separator (to separate 2 items)
// = Newline separator (within each item)

anteater | bear | cat

anteater // anteaters are cute |
bear // bears are cute |
cat // cats are cute
Smart Paragraphs variables.csv
condition - [?]
  • [[START condition | indicator]] text [[END condition | indicator]]

  • [[$ condition | indicator]] text [[% condition | indicator]]

  • [[# condition]] true text // false text [[/]]

  • [[# condition]] true text // false text [[/color]]

  • [[# condition]] true text only [[/]]

  • [[# condition]] // false text only [[/]]

yes Positive indicator:
yes, y, true, t, male, m

Negative indicator:
no, n, false, f, female, f


Inline smart paragraphs have an option to switch the colours of the results based on the "true" or "false" value. Use the [[/color]] close tag to set this
Options / Multiple Choice Template
((o? food)) apple // banana // coconut // durian ((/))

((o? food)) [1] apple //[2] banana //[3] coconut //[4] durian
  • [[o? condition]] option 1 // option 2 // option 3 [[/]]

  • ((o? condition)) option 1 // option 2 // option 3 ((/))

2, 3, 4 To select single item, insert number:

To select multiple items:
I like to eat 2 and 3
Repeater (simple) Template
[[r? repeat this]]This sentence will be repeated.[[/]]

repeat this - [repeater]
  • [[r? condition]]repeat this text[[/]]

  • [[rol? condition]]repeat this text[[/]]

  • [[rul? condition]]repeat this text[[/]]

  • [[rh? condition]]repeat this text[[/]]

3 insert a number (eg. 3), and the repeater text will repeat that number of times
Repeater (with variables) Template
[[x? repeat this]]Hello, I am ((name)). I am ((age)) years old.[[/]]

"repeat this [v: age, name] - [repeater v]"
  • [[x? condition]] this is ((variable 1)) and ((variable 2))[[/]]

  • [[xol? condition]] this is ((variable 1)) and ((variable 2))[[/]]

  • [[xul? condition]] this is ((variable 1)) and ((variable 2))[[/]]

  • [[xh? condition]] this is ((variable 1)) and ((variable 2))[[/]]

name = Adam Smith // age = 16 | age = 21 // name = Ben Smith | = Item separator (to separate 2 items)
// = Variable separator (within each item)

name = Adam Smith // age = 16 |
name = Ben Smith // age = 21
Evaluation Paragraphs Template
[[if? {{age}} > 10]] true text // false text [[/]]

[[if? {{age}} > 10]] true text // false text [[/color]]

"Calculation Variables" in "Evaluation Paragraphs"

[[if? (^^ {{age}} + 10 ^^) >= 18 ]] You are an adult // You are a child [[/]]
  • + - * /
  • ==
  • !=
  • <, <=, >, >=
- Notes:

(1) This evaluates automatically based on the evaluation paragraph's open tag, and shows the "true text" or "false text"

(2) Use the [[/color]] close tag to automatically change the colour depending on the "true" or "false" value

(3) "Calculation variables" should be "bracketed" when used in "evaluation paragraphs".
Calculation Variables Template
^^ {{price}} + 100 ^^
^^ {{price}} + 100 | ringgit^^

[[^ {{price}} + 100]]
[[^ {{price}} + 100 | ringgit words]]
  • + - * /
  • ( )
- This calculates automatically based on the contents of the calculation variable, and shows the "calculated result"
Charts Template
{{variable | pie}}

  • pie
  • money_pie

  • bar
  • money_bar
a: 100, b:200, c:300 item 1:100,
item 2:200,
item 3:300
Images Template
{{variable | image 1cm}}

  • image
  • image 3cm / image 4 inch

  • qr
  • figlet / figlet1 / figlet(font)
image = path/to/image.png
qr = contents of qr code
figlet = text
Name and IC Template
{{variable | name and ic}}

  • name ic
  • name ic v (name ic vertical)
  • name ic vb (name ic vertical bracket)
  • name
  • name upper
  • name lower
  • name caps
  • ic
  • ic b (ic bracket)
  • ic number

  • [list case] name ic
  • ls name ic
  • ls name ic v
  • ls name ic vb
  • ls name
  • ls name upper
  • ls name lower
  • ls name caps
  • ls ic
  • ls ic b
  • ls ic number
For single items:

Adam Smith (NRIC No. 12345)

For multiple items (list):

Adam Smith (NRIC No. 111111-11-1111) |
ABC Sdn Bhd (Registration No. 11111 (1111-A))

Ben Smith // (NRIC No. 222222-22-2222) |
XYZ Sdn Bhd // (Registration No. 2222 (2222-B))

syntax of user value

name details outside of bracket (ic details inside bracket)

For single items:

Adam Smith (NRIC No. 11111-11-1111)

For multiple items (list):

| = Item separator (to separate 2 items)
// = Newline separator (within each item)

Adam Smith (NRIC No. 111111-11-1111) |
Ben Smith (NRIC No. 222222-22-2222) |
ABC Sdn Bhd (Registration No. 333333 (3333-X))

Adam Smith // (NRIC No. 111111-11-1111) |

Ben Smith // (NRIC No. 222222-22-2222) |

ABC Sdn Bhd // (Registration No. 333333 (3333-X))
Hyperlinks [Beta] Template
{{variable | link}}

  • link
  • ""
  • " | Example Website"
| = Item separator to separate [url] and [text] | Example Website


(1) You cannot be place 2 different hyperlinks in the same paragraph! It will not work properly!

(2) You must insert "" [and NOT "" only] or else the link won't work to open up the website.

(3) You may link to a "local file" (example: "sample.pdf | PDF File") but do you really need this?

(4) Hyperlinks do not retain the "style" (eg. font, size, etc.) of the "variable".